Online Donation

Every path out of prosperity is paved by your generosity!

Rather send a check or cash?!

Works for us! Please send your donation to:


827 West 14th Court

Bloomington, IN 47404


Please be sure to note any restrictions or dedications, as well as contact information so we can send you a thank you note and receipt!

🌊Splash Clash: A Battle of Generosity! 🌊

Get ready to make waves! Our Spring Splash Clash is a friendly competition where our six Compass classrooms (and their fundraising advocates) go head-to-head in a quest to raise the most funds for our annual arts and crafts fund ($6,000). This exciting challenge is part of Pathways’ annual Spring Campaign, which aims to raise $50,000 to support our agency’s operations.

By choosing a classroom to support, your gift fills our school with creativity—funding arts and crafts supplies for all our young learners. And as a special reward, the winning classroom will celebrate with a delicious donut party! Which classroom will ride the biggest wave to victory? Dive in and donate today! 🍩🎨🌊

endowment cover
$10,075.75 of our $20,000 goal!

Help us earn a $20,000 MATCH for our Endowment!

We envision a future where all families experiencing hardship have access to the powerful combination of affordable, high-quality early learning and individualized economic mobility services. Through the services we offer, we support vulnerable members of this generation and the next on their journey to prosperity, one family at a time.

The following story represents just one example of the intergenerational impact we are able to have on local families through your support. In 2003, Quinn was enrolled in our Compass Early Learning Center, allowing Quinn’s grandmother to work to support their family. 15 years later, Quinn's family was tragically evicted from their home. Facing financial hardship and post-traumatic stress, they left school as soon as they were 18 to enter the workforce. Quinn eventually returned to MCUM as a Your Path participant with the goal of earning their high school diploma. Their hard work, planning, and regular meetings with a Self-Sufficiency Coach paid off when they passed the High School Equivalency test. Equipped with their new education credentials and goal-setting toolkit, Quinn is excited to start their new life.

We are asking for your support to sustain our mission through 2025 and beyond to help families like Quinn’s. Donate to our Endowment Campaign today and help us reach our goal of raising $40,000 to our endowment at the Community Foundation of Bloomington & Monroe County. 


Click here to support our Endowment Campaign. 

Donor Documents